Comments: 82


I remember that crisp January night, driving my black cab through the streets of Soho, in London. My mind had drifted off to a new melody that had popped into my head earlier in the day and I was agonising over where it went next, when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw hands raising up under the golden light of a sign outside Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club, There were three people enthusiastically flagging me down.

They came to the window and a cold, breathy voice said, “Zetter Hotel, Clerkenwell Road, please.”

I replied, pleased for the fair, “Yeah, course mate, jump in!”

I was working my usual magic, finding the quickest route through, when I noticed in the back, the older gent and the younger man discussing a support act for him. I realised he must be a musician. Was it someone famous? It’s poorly lit in the back of the cab and squinting into a small, slightly dirty rear-view mirror while I’m driving, makes it hard to see faces in the back. I was trying to get another glimpse of the older man, darting glances into the cloudy rear-view mirror, whilst still keeping my attention on the road.

And then it dawned on me… That’s ART GARFUNKEL!

I couldn’t believe it… Art Garfunkel, in the back of my taxi, who’d ever know!

Such a familiar face, but older than any image I had of him in my mind. And why wouldn’t he be older? Most of the images I’ve seen of him were on album covers from decades ago! He looked weary from travelling and was leaning back in the seat playing with the buckle of a bag that was perched on his lap.

Now that I knew it was him, I REALLY wanted to play him some of our new music. You see, we’d just created a new EP ‘Out Of The Blue’. Pete and me were really excited about it, especially the title song, but it hadn’t been heard by many people. We were still pretty much unknown at the time, with only a handful following us on Social Media. Trouble is, how do you bring this into the conversation without it sounding ‘crow-barred’. But just then, the younger man started singing. He had a beautiful voice. Turns out, that was Art’s Son, James! I said to him “What a beautiful voice you’ve got mate”, then Art asked me If I sang. ‘Someone must be looking down on me, I thought… “Actually I do sing and I definitely know you do!” He laughed and James said “You know who he is then?” “Yeah, course!” I replied.

Well, It was now or never… I took a deep breath, you know, like when you were young and plucking up the courage to phone a girl you really liked, that kind of deep nervous breath. “Is it alright if I play you one of my songs?” I asked Art. (only a tiny crow-bar required!). “Of course” he graciously replied. So, I played him ‘Out Of The Blue’, the whole song, and he sat quietly, but intently, listening to it. when the song came to an end, he said

“Beautiful song, beautifully sung. It’s so good to hear that people are still writing real music.”

I was gobsmacked. He didn’t have to be that kind. I looked ahead and noticed the traffic lights turning red and as I came to a stop, I took that moment to put on ‘Bridge Over Trouble Water’ and to my amazement, Art and James started to sing, harmonizing together. A private live performance in the back of my cab!!! What an unreal experience!

I didn’t want the journey to end, but there it was, the Zetter Hotel, up ahead. Bringing this incredible experience to a close. As we pulled up outside the Hotel, I said “probably the best cab ride I’ve ever had.” He replied “Likewise”. I took the liberty of asking for an autograph. He obliged and his Son signed it too.

At that time, we were just starting to find our feet as songwriters and wasn’t sure whether we were any good. What Art may never know, although I’d love to meet him and tell him, is that this passing chat he had with some London Cabbie, changed the course of my life. It was the inspiration I needed to take my singing and our songwriting much more seriously.

I was so excited. I phoned Pete straight away, knowing he’s a massive Simon & Garfunkel Fan. I think I woke him up; I didn’t even notice the time! It was 2 in the morning, but this had woken me up and now I’d happily wake the world up to tell them what had just happened.

We talked excitedly, like two children, not only about what had just happened, but about our own musical journey that now lay ahead of us. Maybe this could be real. The streets ahead of me were glowing quietly under my headlights. Unlike those London streets, the path for us was still unlit and uncertain. I didn’t know where any of this would lead, or who it will take us to. But that’s what makes the journey so enticing…

Pete and I made a vow that we would always take the time to talk to our fans and take an interest in them, just like Art did for me that night.

“I have a very sure-footed sense of what I like, and exactly how much I like it. Give me two listenings of a song, and I can tell you exactly how it sits with me… I know my musical taste. I know my ears, I know what I respond to.” – Art Garfunkel

We’ve come a long way since that night in the Cab with a songwriting hero of mine, but we also still feel like we’re only just taking the first steps and are still hungry to learn from and be inspired by our heroes that have gone before us. We still talk late at night, like excited children, about our unexpected musical journey that we’re on.

We’ve already had many amazing experiences and we find it humbling that so many people are joining us as we go. They feel like part of our Condriacs Family and we appreciate every one of them.

We hope you’re part of our journey too…

If you’d like to hear the whole EP this song came from, click here to listen.


  • Kathy Miller says:

    What a lovely story Tony and how lucky you were that night, someone was surely watching over you. I love your music and “out of the blue ” is still my favourite. I’m so glad to be a part of your journey. Stay safe, love to you and Pete. From your Essex girl fan. Xxx

  • Karen says:

    Truly amazing

  • Daniel Hale says:

    Wow Tony that’s a brilliant story my man and bloody hell Art Garfunkel in the back of your cab ?

  • Paula Mence says:

    Hi, it’s a lovely story and obviously meant to be for you all. I love your voice and your face actually but perhaps that’s out of order but your both fab. I have shared many times on fb as I think u deserve to go far. I’m not good with technology so I went through the process of trying to listen to that but got stuck and I’m scared to press this that and the other however I know it will be good and yes your right you do include us a and its fantastic you do this. I personally think this is why you are so popular apart from the music. I have sent to many friends who say they hope you get the recognition you so deserve. Stay safe you lovely people. Lots of love Paula from Southampton. Xxx❤️❤️

  • Stephen Henry9 says:

    What a wonderful story. You have heard it from a musical icon,just how good you are, so please remember that the family believe in your talent and inevitable success, but you need to stop at the next station, on your journey which is,’A massive injection of self belief’
    Never stop believing, in the inevitable!!

  • Cynthia says:

    Wow. What wonderful words to hear from a legend..
    I’m glad it instituted Tony and Pete or else I may never have heard of you both.. I’ve been a follower for maybe 3 years, so have got to know you both.. your voice and music make my heart sing and puts a spring in my step.. you touch our hearts like Art did yours xxx thank you

  • Carolyn says:

    I absolutely fell in love with Out of the Blue the first time I heard it when it popped up on my Facebook page. This in turn made me want to hear more of The Condriacs songs which I found to be fantastic; all songs are so meaningful which touch the heart. More people need to hear their music.

    Pete and Tony are lovely guys who care so much for the Condriacs family and it’s great how they welcome input from us. I highly recommend on becoming a patron where you will hear songs not available to the wider public.

  • Lucy Pappas says:

    Tony, that is such a beautiful story. Art Garfunkel was one of my inspirations, too, when I first started performing but I’ve never met him. How lucky you were – right place – right time. I’m so glad because that led to Pete and yourself performing for us. We’re the lucky ones xx

  • Alan Hinchliffe says:

    What a fantastic story.
    We never know who will enter our lives and have an impact on it.
    The excitement of meeting someone you have admired for their talent, be it a sporting person or a musician ect gives you such a boost when you sometimes need it.
    Thanks for sharing this special moment for you with us.

  • Tina Mull says:

    I absolutely love ” Out of the blue” .I love them all , but that one is my favorite…keep doing what you’re doing…loving it…

  • Stephanie Call says:

    “Out of the Blue” popped up on my feed, I clicked on it out of curiosity and I desperately needed something, anything, to bring me out of the dark. Your voice and the keyboards with it made me cry. I was hooked. Alot of musicians write music and you just hear it but than there are the greats and you feel it, it touches you, it moves you inside, you feel it. That is what you two have, you can feel the music, it’s not just a song , it’s an emotion. You are one of the greats!! Thank you!!!

  • John Noack says:

    I have lived out of the blue since I first listened ! Beautiful tune, and the words spoke to me in a personal way. I still listen to it most days. Have got my sister to like it and working on my brother, he is a professional musician. I like you guys a great deal. My usual genre is hard rock, but out of the blue grabs something inside and has yet to let go. Success in the present and future guys !


  • Lynn says:

    Tony and Pete,
    I love this song and this is my favorite video of this song. Your movements are so natural, you flow with the song, AND YOUR VOICE IS AMAZING!! I listen to it at least 3 times a week. Your music is amazing. I also love your song Show me the way. I listen to that song every morning on my way to work. Show me the way Pete and Tony and Take me out of the blue when I get off work.. Love you guys!

  • Ruby Anderson says:

    Beautiful words absolutely love this song.

  • Ann Salter says:

    The first of your songs that I ever heard.. was hooked from that moment on.
    Anyone who gets a chance to listen to your music will quickly become a fan.

  • Charlotte says:

    This is amazing

  • jo greenwood says:

    I love this story.

  • Jane McLendon says:

    Love the tone of your voice! Just wondering who were some of your musical influences.
    Wishing you much success!
    Much love from Florida,USA

  • Mabel Macfarlane says:

    Love it guys you are both amazing and deserve so much your music is awesome listen to it all time gets me through the tough times thank you both x

  • Terry Garrison says:

    I fell in love with your music this was the Very 1st song I heard.. Have loved you every since.. Would love some gospel music as well

  • Pamela Sharp says:

    What am amazing story and experience. It was your lucky day, even tho I don’t believe in luck. I call it date. Wishing you both all the success in the world on your amazing journey. I am blessed to be a part of the Condriacs family.

  • Joyce burita says:

    Here in chicago we love all your music its just plane beautiful thank you

  • Karen Fussner says:

    Such a wonderful song. You are blessed with a beautiful, smooth voice. How great that you got to meet Art and his son.

  • Patti Twigg says:

    What an amazing experience. It’s a great song so of course he would like it.

  • Shona Smith says:

    Hi Pete and Tony.
    Out of the Blue was the first song I ever heard. I have been hooked ever since. You are two really nice guys who write really good music. Don’t stop!xx

  • Beverley Mimms says:

    Wow great story. I love your music, it’s so soulful. You go together great. I’m wishing you great things you deserve it

  • Tangie says:

    What a great story! So glad to have found you. You have eased my heart on many a dark day. Love the blog as well.

  • Sandy McDonald-Kawata says:

    Hi Tony and Pete!
    What a great story! It was definitely divine intervention that put Art and his son in your cab that night! It was also my luck to hear your song, Out of the Blue on Facebook a while ago. I have been hooked on your music since then and now excited, as a fan, to share in your journey. Love you to the moon and back! xxx

  • I love you condriacs loads out of the blue is an Awesome song ?that I so so can’t get enough of.. I know you’ll do justice to Bridge of troubled waters.

  • Pat johnson says:

    Tony what a fantastic story!! Out of the blue was the first song I heard from you n pete,just popped up on my feed and I was instantly hooked,needed to hear more and so glad I did love your music love being part of the Condriacs family and so happy to be part of your ongoing journey you are two of the nicest guys so talented your music and lyrics feed my soul.thankyou.❤

  • Lisa HAMMOND says:

    As you know this is how we met you, Good Friday 2018, an evening we will never ever forget. Jumped in the cab to click straight away with this chirpy cabbie who stole our hearts with his great music & lyrics. Meeting the brilliantly talented Pete a little later on, what a musician. The Condriacs, simply the best!

  • gillian says:

    Fate was shining down on you that night Tony amazing story and I for one am thankful that inspired you and pete to create beautiful music together , love to listen to your soulful voice and can not wait to come and see a live performance from you and pete it hopefully not too distant future ?

  • A fantastic amazing story Tony wow . Your singing is amazing and Pete’s music is amazing and I love The Condriacs music all original I love Out of the blue and Spit it out a favourite .

  • Doris Wilkinson says:

    Hey Tony & Pete
    was the first I heard of your amazing music…and with that 1song I was hocked !!!
    Y’all bring joy to my heart with each new song..keepem coming cuz YOU are doing it right. I’m proud 2b apart of the Condriacs family, much love & respect…ya’ll truly are “AMAZING”?

  • Irene Macdonald says:

    What a wonderful story x Long for the day when you guys are the headline act x

  • Lynne Dennis says:

    When Out Of The Blue popped up on my news feed I decided to give it a go and listen – no idea why as this wasn’t my usual chosen genre – but I was blown away and made hasty tracks to buy the album and join the Condriacs family. I’ve never looked back, what a class act Tony and Pete are, straight up caring guys who give such a lot to their patrons…and being part of this wonderful family is the best decision I’ve made in a long time. Loved reading this story! Any more?? 🙂

  • Cecilia Gomez-Soles says:

    Great story. Thank you for sharing. “Out of the blue” got me hooked.

  • Tanis Priest says:

    I’ve been hooked on you since “GHOST”! I think you guys are amazing, and to be able to sit with a captured audience of greatness in music such as Art Garfunkel, well you’re just blessed. Oh, by the way, love this song.

  • Sue Stinson says:

    Thank you!
    Tony, I found your voice in your cab one summer night back in 2019 while scanning my FB page, Wow!
    Your music has brought me back to the living on many levels. Losing my sister Marie, my best friend Irene, my riding buddy Roy Jr in July 2020 was alot to take. BUT thank God I kept plugged into the Condriacs Family. ALL elements of the songs are incredible an such an inspiring part of my life now.
    Soulful, relatable, magic. You all are such awesome individuals. Carry on with your hearts full of musical notes! I’m gonna always be listening.

  • Goldie says:

    OUT OF THE BLUE you came enriched many lives with your beautiful songs laughter and sense of fun don’t give up your journey for it has just begun ?

  • Loma says:

    Hi , I’m Loma
    The first time I heard “ Out of the Blue”, wow.. fell n love with it.. just a beautiful song… been following ever since…
    Love your story, thanks for sharing.

  • Sue says:

    I, like so many others here, Out of the Blue was the first song I heard and I played it over and over. I am a fan! Amazing story! Can’t imagine how you must have felt having that fare in your cab! Thanks for sharing that amazing experience.

  • I just love you guys and a huge fan, I would be honored to play your music on air, in my countdowns and in my Award Shows, I am a huge fan , much love, Dory

  • Laura A FieldsJackson says:

    This song is like a cool drink of water. I see my husband eyes each time I hear it. He’s on a oil rig many miles away and at times halfway around the world. It’s truly southern comfort for me. I love all of your music. You’ll are simply amazing. From the Heartland.❤

  • Lynne says:

    Wow. What a great experience. You guys are the best. Stay safe and be well.

  • Lisa Ellrick says:

    Out of the Blue is the song that got me “hooked”. I can listen to it over and over. And to be able to share it with Art Garfunkle! Thank you for sharing your story!

  • Elizabeth Van Dyke says:

    I believe that meeting was meant to happen, meant to inspire you and meant to bring you to where you are today! I wish all great things for you going forward! Cheers, guys!

  • Caron says:

    I listen to ‘Out of the blue’ album at 5am every day on the drive to work, it calms me before my early shift at the hospital.
    I thank Art Garfunkel and his son for needing a cab that night and Tony for being the cabbie!
    I love every one of your albums, can’t wait to hear more!
    Cheers to Tony n Pete on your road to success, I’ll be listening all the way! ?

  • Hello Tony and Pete,
    What can I say that hasn’t been said? Tony your voice is so soulful and beautiful. When I first came across “Out of the blue” on my FB page I was so moved. I just wish I could buy a Cd rather than down from the computer. I always have problems with down loading. But thank you Tony and Pete your beautiful music. I am blessed to be a part of the Condriacs family.
    Much love From California, USA

  • Maria Thomas says:

    I first heard Out Of The Blue, that song got me interested in hearing some more of your songs. I mainly listen to Country Music as I have been recently widowed from a Country Music Singer and find Music is the only thing that helps me. So listening to you and experienceing some of your journey I am following with Interest.I wish you well and suggest you write to Art Garfunkle send him a copy of your new CD. Love Maria Thomas x

  • DiAnna says:

    Simon & Garfunkel one of my favorites!! What a amazing story as well. I probably would have fainted ?. You guys have been blessed musically, don’t ever stop!! I listen to Out of the Blue almost every morning and my husband says, you must really like that song! I said no, I Love it ❤️❤️ As long as you keep making the music, I will be listening. Thank you Pete & Tony!!

  • cindy says:

    What an awesome experience to meet Art in the back of your cab !! Thanks so music sharing your amazing story and bringing all of us on this wonderful Journey. I absolutely love your Music

  • Gail Aikens says:

    ❤Love Your Music and Your Story ❤ I Truly Believe That God Puts People In Our Life Path To Help and Teach Us Things…❤God Bless You Always ❤

  • Robert Mathieson says:

    The music always fits. Your voice rolls the song along and it complements the piano. No wonder Art and his son liked it. Keep on I can’t wait to hear more. Thanks

  • Elaine says:

    I really enjoyed reading of your journey!. Blessings!!

    • Pete & Tony says:

      Thanks Elaine,

      We’re so glad you’ve joined us on our journey. We’re only really just starting out. We’ve got some amazing support and we’ve made friends with our fans from all over the world.

      We hope you stay with us.

      Tony x

  • Sandra Vaughn says:


  • Breda Schraner says:

    I’ve just discovered Out of the blue, and I absolutely love it! Greetings from Canada and the best if luck in the future!

  • Kathy says:

    Love love loved your story plus your music! Wish i were finicially in position to buy all your music but unfortunately am on social security only an unable to make the purchase. Thank you so very much for the free download you gave to us?!!

  • Cindy Heatherly says:

    What a truly inspiring story! Fate had a hand in that cab that if to say…you got this now go for it!
    I love the piano mixed with your it a very bluesy sensual vibe! I love all genres of music,and am very selective of what I would buy. This would be at the top of my playlist!! Keep the faith and Rock on!!

  • Dixie Marchuk says:

    Like everyone, i first heard you on a fb pop up, hooked me immediately. Keep them coming, i love the style

  • Eula M MONARES says:

    I first heard Out of the Blue on Facebook and I fell in love with that song. Your other music is very good but that song is the best. But you are going to get there just keep singing. God bless you and Pete

    • Pete & Tony says:

      Thank you Eula,

      When we sat in my living room and wrote that song on a little computer piano keyboard, we had no idea that so many people from all over the world would love it too.

  • Catheryn Fuentez says:

    I first time I heard that song, I fell in love with it, the music, the tone of your voice and the words…. that’s what I call smooth music. I listen to all kinds of music, but this song hit me like brick. I listen to every night !

  • The first time I ever heard the song I fell in love with that’s smooth, Music the words and your amazing raspy voice. I play it every night before I fall asleep. It gives me comfort, because I am single aunt old school coma and they don’t make songs With meaning and a story. Thank you for that

  • Cindy says:

    Very impressive loved everything about it. Get your music out there and you could receive an award. Thanks

  • Fran Poelstra says:

    Tony, I love the way you sing that song. I love all the songs I’ve heard and has helped to relax me. You need to get that music out there so other people can enjoy it too

    • Pete & Tony says:

      Thank you Fran, we get asked all the time why would we give away any of our music for free. Of course, without the massive marketing budgets of a record company behind us, this is the only way you can really get strangers to hear us. We hope that some fall in love enough to buy our other songs.

      We really appreciate your comments and your enjoyment of our music.

      Tony x

  • Juliann Lazarz says:

    This song is my all time favorite! It’s the first song I heard by you and have enjoyed them since! Thanks for this invite ?

  • HAROLD R JONES says:

    Tony. Keep on singing those beautiful song I love out of the blue

  • Sheree A Springer says:

    Bought the Out Of The Blue EP and Love, Love, Love the music. I think I have already played it over 50 times since receiving it. I love your music!!! Keep the music coming.

  • jackie L Holtz says:

    In 2017 the song Out of the Blue came through my feed and I fell in love with it…..I became a fan and have followed these fine gentlemen every since. I absolutely love their music and their dedication to their fans. During the past four yrs, almost, we’ve been through a lot and I have met some of the dearest friends. Peter and Tony and their families have become a part of mine across the miles and I will support and love them always unconditionally….I just don’t have words for the kindness and love showed me during a time I did not think it possible to ever see a light at the end of the tunnel…although the light is dim, it’s there. I’ve learned that I share the loss of a child with some wonderful people who pick me up and scoot me a long. I rarely leave the house without a Condriac CD in tow…I cannot stress just how good I believe these gentlemen and their talented crew are….Michelle and Ed….you rock.
    As Always Your Fan,

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