Comments: 29

This is Eddie…

And this is the story of how we met his Mum – Jackie. You see, sadly, Eddie isn’t with us anymore.

The pain of losing a child has to be one of the greatest a Mum can face and not one that anyone could even begin to understand unless they’ve walked a similar path. We don’t profess to even have a glimpse into the devastation left behind after such a life-changing event, but we’ve always hoped that our music can sooth others, like so many songwriters have done for us over the years.

One day, Jackie was on Facebook and, possibly similar to how you discovered us, a song by us popped up in her news feed (don’t you just hate that!), but it caught her attention and she decided to watch the whole video. That song was called Out Of The Blue. Something must have connected us to her through the lyrics and she went on to check out our other music.

Over the next couple of years, Jackie became more than a fan of our music, she became a friend to us.
I remember the day when I read Jackie’s long, long message on Facebook messenger, sharing how she felt about Eddie. I could feel her powerful undying love in the words that she wrote about her Son.

It was that day that I felt so close to her family. I felt like I knew Eddie and I also felt part of his life too.

I had this vision of a Man who generated love wherever he went. Everybody loved him. He had this infectious smile from such an early age, that he carried with him through his life.

We both really wanted to write a song for Jackie to celebrate Eddie’s life.

Eddie was very special to many people. He was funny, loving, and giving. He liked living simply. He did not want or need a lot and he absolutely loved the outdoors, the hills and mountains, and it’s where he thrived. But Eddie was able to morph himself into his environment…. most saw him in his cowboy hat and boots….but he lived in Woodstock NY…worked and stayed in California with his Uncle…and for a small measure of time New Mexico. He worked in Montana, Canada, Arizona, Colorado and Nebraska. So he could rock his Jesus sandals or skater dude look easily…

He got his love of the land from his Grandmas and Grampa…he loved fishing and gardening. He was an Uncle, big brother, cousin, and had a capacity to forgive that amazed his Mum.

He was as strong as a bull and a hard worker, but like many, he also suffered with depression, anxiety, bipolarity and struggled with addiction. He hated it and tried many times to get well. He was very self-destructive when he went through his bad spells. He didn’t know when to say stop. He would go long periods of time doing well…but then slip.

I tell you about Eddie because he would want you all to know how many young people are silently struggling with Mental Health issues…

I knew that this song, the music, the lyrics, had to be perfect. I felt a real connection with Eddie and with his Mum. I wanted in some way, even though I knew I couldn’t heal her pain, to somehow ease and comfort her the only way I knew how. I tried to get inside her feelings and attempted to paint a picture and I really hope that we accomplished that.

When Pete had written and created the music for it, he had brought the whole story to life and I couldn’t stop playing it, over and over again and wondering if we would ease Jackie’s pain even just for the two or three minutes that it was playing…

Jackie sent us pictures of her going to the grave and she was playing the song to Eddie. That day, there was this amazing image of a beam of light breaking through the sky as she drove along. In the lyrics to the song I had written Eddie’s words “always stand in the light…” It made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck…


“I don’t think I could ever find the words to tell you how you cushioned such a hard landing… It’s the most painful thing I’ve ever felt, so anything that helped was a ‘God-send’…Enter The Condriacs…”

“I don’t even have words. It’s so perfect and beautiful. I just can’t beIieve how lucky I am to have the two of you in my life. I want the world to hear it.

“You know a friend and I were talking about how you and Tony make people feel with your songs and compassion and she said it seems to her like The Condriacs are a bit like a heart doctor. So many people have broken hearts that will never mend and your able to put a few tiny stitches in so that they can begin to find some joy in your music or visit your group and hear old songs and memories with people they become friends with, which takes away some of the loneliness that broken hearts and disappointments in life brings. I think there’s a magic in that. I often wonder what brought you to be able to have that kind of Grace and empathy for your fellow man. I hope we all give the two of you as much love and support as you do us.”



If you’d like to hear Eddie’s song, here’s your chance to do so…


  • Caroline says:

    What an emotional story! And for these musicians to give comfort to a family in the form of a song is just amazing! I will be following the condriacs and wish them every success xx

  • cynthia allan says:

    What a beautifully written song, all about a loved one that has been lost to this plain!
    I love the way you feel what you sing. As Simon cowal says. You make it real.. you made it real for a grieving mother.. which has given her comfort ..
    I find all your songs have so much meaning and truth to them . Thank you

  • Lorraine says:

    The Condriacs bring comfort to so many with the heartfelt lyrics put together with beautiful music. Your amazing

  • Irene Macdonald says:

    A real tug at the heart strings x What a beautiful tribute to Eddy and his family x

  • Lynne Dennis says:

    Just beautiful xx <3

  • Jax says:

    Rarely am I left speechless but these two have pulled it off more than once. I’m sure the folks around here would pay for that. Ha Ha…
    Eddie, my dear boy. I hope you are up there on your biggest adventures. You gave me such joy. I have tried my best to help people to understand the struggles you faced but you know me…you still came out as perfect and beautiful as the morning sun. I miss you cannot begin to describe what I feel…I know these gentlemen did you justice and I’m just as sure you would have won them over with your humor and stories of life through your eyes… some times I look up into a clear night and actually see a little green beacon…I can hear you as you morphed thru the years…”Hey momma…that one over there is winking at you…” I close my eyes and take a deep breath just to breathe in the night to remind me I have to stay… someday baby boy… someday.
    Thank you Peter and Tony and all of you that fell in love with my son.. ?

  • N Cheser says:

    This is an amazing song and an amazing tribute to a wonderful young man. I have been friends with Eddie’s mom since we were children. Your music and friendship means so much to her. Thank you for helping my friend.

  • Ginger Robbins says:

    This song and Ghost, among many other songs by, The Condriacs, has touched my heart and my life in many ways!
    The Condriacs, music has touched many lives and hearts across the world, and has brought together an amazing family near and far!
    Their, hearts are full of love for each of their family/fanbase, and they are stars in the lives and hearts, of their listeners! My dream is for their music to be air played, for the world to hear! I can not express enough just how much, The Condriacs, has given to their followers, and the unconditional bond of love, that we each share with one another!
    I am so, thankful that, Jackie M, introduced me to their music!
    I know once you have heard, their music, you will be in love with them, as well!!
    PS, Jax, I love you sweetheart, from one momma to another, for the loss of a child is a pain, that we will carry with us forever?
    I am so thankful, The Condriacs, has carried us through some dark days and made our lives brighter!!
    Ginger R.

  • Sue says:

    I can’t imagine losing a child. I have only one and he struggles some days. Thank you for this lovely song Tony and Peter! It is truly beautiful and a lovely tribute to Eddie. You now soar with the eagles and dance with the angels. Rest Easy.

  • Michelle Lea says:

    Hugs n love to Jax. My Momma lost her son years ago and she was never the same, she passed this October and my first thought was she is with my brother that had passed now!! May they all rest in heaven peacefully….

    Tony and Pete wow… That is such a beautiful dedication!

    Thank you for sharing : Michelle Lea’

  • Mary Debra Kensley says:

    That was so gentle and kind and soothing well done I loved it very much.

  • Lynnr says:

    Another beautiful song. It was just what I needed after losing my husband 4 years ago. Thank you both so very much. Each song you sing is special. ❤

  • carol w. says:

    It is strange how the world evolves. It is written so that person fully understands, and yet someone else also understands. Another seems too understand and so it goes. Every now and then there’s a song that everyone can relate to. This song is no exception.

  • Caron says:

    What an amazing song, truly heartfelt words.
    A wonderful tribute to Eddie.

  • Gillian H says:

    This is a wonderful song and so pleased jackie gets comfort from your music , it made the hairs stand up and goose bumps all over reading the story and listening too the song , even though every person’s Grief is individuealI can certainly relate to Jackie’s story as my beautiful daughter Lisa suffered from mantle health and alcohol addiction which cost her to lose her life at the age of 31 , when she was well she was the sweetest most caring girl always trying to help others , but the last year of her life was a torture to great to bear , god bless you all and may the healing go on and Eddie’s name and memory will live on in your heart as Lisa’s will forever be in mine xx

  • Barbara Ray says:

    That’s a beautiful tribute in song to a special person.

  • Arden Clarke says:

    Wonderful heartfelt story and a great song, thanks

  • Nadine Knight says:

    Thank you for such a beautiful song it brought so many emotions that pulled at my heart string’s.

  • Fran Poelstra says:

    Such a strong emotion? You did a fantastic job of comforting woman. I feel the love. You have a heart of gold.

  • Julie says:

    Pete and Tony that was absolutely beautiful song! Touched me right in the heart, I can imagine how much this meant to all of those involved ❤️❤️

  • Nancy G. says:

    You had me with Out Of The Blue and I was at a low point,as I get sometimes, suffering with depression and so far I can pull myself up out of the darkness. Thank you so much for your music and your beautiful voice.

    • Pete & Tony says:

      Thanks nancy,

      Alot of people tell us that our music and the community on Facebook that’s built up around it is… ‘a nice place to fall’ we love that our music is helping people as much as it helps us.

      Thanks for joining us! We’ve got loads to share with you.

      Tony x

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