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Get instant access to all our unreleased Patrons songs, plus our regular online live shows and more!
Annual membership – $80 

Click Here To get instant access Now!

Our Members-Only Patrons Club started back in 2019 and has become so popular with our existing members that we want to extend it to as many as possible.

What will you get as a member of our Patrons Family?

  • Instant access to every patrons song we’ve already recorded since we started this members only club
  • A new exclusive song most months (at least 10 songs per year)
  • A digital download of all future releases for the time you are a member
  • Instant access to our private Facebook group where you can join us for our regular live shows, plus you can go back and watch every patrons show we’ve ever broadcast (right back to the beginning)
  • Additional surprises and occasional freebies

Here’s what some of our patrons had to say about being part of this exclusive club…

I joined quite a while ago. I used to watch them at all hours of the morning, while Tony was waiting in his taxi for fairs.. Having the membership means I get to watch them every week.. with loads of impromptu moments ( sometimes for two hours or more).. I get a special song every month (only for patrons). Us patrons have become firm friends, from all over the world .. always someone to chat with, any time of the day or night., Tony and Pete have become my friends too..

for such a small amount you get so very much.. then of course their music is so heartfelt, it actually warms my heart , or makes me cry .. I was also able to dedicate their voices ep to some very special people.. if you’re still reading this .. get your own membership, you will not be disappointed.. value for money. Will be the best you’ll ever get xx

Cynthia x

I discovered the Condriacs 3 years ago, have been listening to their music every day since. Their music helped me through one of the worst times in my life. Became a patron July 2019 and Tony & Pete go the extra mile to help everyone . They wrote a song for my Son’s wedding and got CDs made and sent out to me within a week, ready for their big day. They care about the Condriacs family and work tirelessly to give us live gig every week where we can all come together to chat, support each other. They have been great and there’s nothing they wouldn’t do to support us and us them. Genuinely care about their music and Condriacs family. Can contact them and they will reply. Best thing I ever did was become a patron.

Ellen x

I stumbled upon Condriacs purely by chance one day when I went on facebook probably 5 or 6 mths ago all I can tell you is, I stopped listening to music 6 yrs ago when I lost my mom bless her, anyway I heard ‘out of the blue’ that day well it moved something deep in my soul like no other music as before, and trust me when I tell you I did buy the bundle set it gets better with each cd you listen too, I also became a Patron, it’s like having your own concert at home great when your isolating, I have something very special to look forward to now, the music & company of Tony & Pete & the Condriacs family it’s amazing! Try for yourself you won’t be disappointed, roll on the new cd so excited guys xxx

Jen x

I joined the patrons group a few months ago because I love The Condriacs music so much wanted to help in sharing to get their music heard by more people. The patrons group has been a lot of fun – A great group of people. Enjoy it very much, especially love the live concerts.

Mary x

So, if you’ve been enjoying our music and you’d love to get something a little extra, AND be a part of an amazing group of people who are supporting us as independent artists… Now’s the time!